
The Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy (ISSN: 2546-1885) is an open access, interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal that reflects on the ethical and practical dimensions of philosophical issues. It is primarily open to local scholars but accepts submissions from international contributors as well. It publishes submissions on a biannual basis. Starting 2024, regular issues will be published in June and December.  Papers submitted will go through an initial editorial review.  When the paper gets the approval of the editors, it will undergo a peer review process and will be prepared for online publishing as soon as it meets the conditions set by the reviewers.


The journal provides a platform for philosophical discourse and reflection on social, political, and human development issues.


1. To promote dialogue and intellectual discourse among philosophy scholars, teachers and students.

2. To publish scholarly research on practical ethics and articles of philosophical nature and importance.

3. To develop and sustain a culture of innovative and leading-edge research in applied philosophy and its related fields.


The SES journal is listed in the Philosopher’s Index.


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